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51.92 1.95 (3.90%)

158.57% Gain from 52W Low

375.5K XNAS Volume

XNAS 24 Mar, 2025 3:40 PM (EDT)

Insider Trading disclosures for Tarsus Pharmaceuticals Inc

The latest disclosure was made by Jeffrey S. Farrow in Tarsus Pharmaceuticals Inc where a trade of 1,284 Common Stock done at an average price of $46.3 was reported to US exchanges on March 18, 2025.

Insider trading is the trading of a company’s securities by individuals with access to confidential or material non-public information about the company. A company is required to report trading by corporate officers, directors, or other company members with significant access to privileged information to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

*All Values are in $ Million
Client Category: Promoter/ KMP/ Director / Immediate Relatives / Employee / etc  
Security Type: Share/ Warrants / Convertible Debentures
Data as reported to USA Exchanges
View All The Insider Trades disclosures